Pavilion Building Safety References

Work Order

For any maintenance issues, please see us in the second floor office, or submit a work order.

Fire Extinguishers

  • Fire extinguishers are located throughout the building and are serviced annually by New England Fire Patrol.

  • Contact Taylor Ness with any issues or concerns.

Emergency Lights

  • Emergency lights are located throughout the building and are checked monthly by building staff.

  • Contact Taylor Ness with any issues or concerns.

Emergency Procedures

  • Fire Evacuation Plan

  • Active Shooter Plan

  • Evacuation Map

  • Contact Katie Most for any questions or concerns

Inspections and Maintenance Log

Service, Inspection, and Maintenance Logs for:

  • HVAC

  • AED

  • Elevators

  • Plumbing

This document is only viewable and editable by Huntington Staff who are logged in to Office365

First Aid Kits

  • Locations:

    • 1st floor - Warren door

    • 1st floor - loading dock door

    • 1st floor - Wimberly DSL

    • 2nd floor - kitchen

  • Serviced monthly by Cintas

  • Contact Bryn Weiler with low stock or any issues.

This page was last updated on 01/21/2022